Frequently asked questions.

what should i wear to a session?

We encourage you to wear comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely. We strongly encourage athletic wear. Sneakers are required.

How does payment work?

Feel free to purchase a package or membership here on the website, over the phone with our office, or in person at FlexAbility. See the bottom of the home page for pricing of packages and memberships. There is also an option for a single session or our express servies.

Can i use my health insurance?

FlexAbility does not accept health insurance coverage. If you have an injury or are undergoing surgery your best option would be to inquire about our physical therapy services of Rise Up Physical Therapy at 814-528-5667. At those offices we accept most commercial health care plans.

What if i have an injury?

At FlexAbility we do have Doctor’s of Physical Therapy on staff that can help to informally evaluate your injury and determine whether it is appropriate for you to attend your FlexAbility session or if you would be best suited in our physical therapy clinic or potentially seek further medical care. If you feel that you are injured simply give us a call and we will help determine the correct steps for you take.