Our Services

  • Our one-on-one stretching sessions are designed to provide you with individualized attention and a customized stretching program. During these sessions, our experienced therapists will assess your current flexibility levels, understand your goals, and develop a personalized stretching routine that addresses your unique needs.

    With their expertise and knowledge of proper techniques, the therapist will move you into achieving deeper stretches, targeting specific muscle groups, and improving overall flexibility. Through a combination of dynamic and static stretches, we will help you increase your range of motion, improve muscle flexibility, and prevent injuries. This hands-on approach ensures that you maintain correct form and alignment while maximizing the benefits of each stretch.

    We believe that stretching is the foundation for optimal sport performance BUT also for pain relief and injury prevention for any individual. We have stretching programs designed specifically for the individual who lives a sendentary lifestyle, a person who has chronic low back pain, and for the high level athlete for examples.

  • Come experience the amazing benefits of the ice bath! Whether you are training for an athletic event or want to reduce inflammation in your body ice bath can be a great tool for you!

    Reduces inflammation: Cold temperatures can help decrease inflammation by constricting blood vessels and reducing blood flow to the affected area. This can be beneficial for alleviating muscle soreness and reducing swelling after intense physical activity or injuries.

    Speeds up recovery: Ice baths are commonly used by athletes to aid in recovery after intense workouts or competitions. The cold temperature can help reduce muscle damage, minimize oxidative stress, and facilitate faster recovery by promoting tissue repair.

    Eases muscle soreness: Exposing your body to cold water can help relieve muscle soreness and stiffness. The cold temperature numbs nerve endings and temporarily decreases pain signals, providing temporary relief and promoting muscle relaxation.

    Enhances circulation: Cold water immersion stimulates vasoconstriction, which causes blood vessels to constrict and then dilate once the body is warmed up again. This process can enhance blood circulation and improve the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and tissues.

    Increases mental alertness: The shock of cold water can activate the sympathetic nervous system and trigger the release of adrenaline. This can lead to increased alertness, heightened focus, and an overall energizing effect.

    Improves mood and mental well-being: Cold exposure has been associated with the release of endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones, which can help elevate mood, reduce stress, and promote a sense of well-being. It may also have potential benefits for conditions like depression and anxiety.

    Enhances immune function: Some studies suggest that cold exposure, including ice baths, may have a positive impact on the immune system. Cold water immersion could potentially increase the production of white blood cells and improve immune response, although more research is needed in this area.

  • Enhancing Recovery and Revitalizing Your Body

    At FlexAbility, we offer NormaTec sessions, a cutting-edge technology designed to enhance recovery, improve circulation, and rejuvenate your body. During a NormaTec session, you will experience the benefits of dynamic compression therapy, which utilizes specialized compression boots to stimulate blood flow, reduce muscle soreness, and accelerate your body's natural healing processes.

    Here's what you can expect from a NormaTec session at FlexAbility:

    Introduction and Assessment: Before your session begins, our trained staff will provide an introduction to the NormaTec system and conduct a brief assessment to understand your specific needs and goals. This assessment allows us to tailor the session to target the areas of your body that require attention and support.

    Dynamic Compression Technology: During a NormaTec session, you will wear specialized compression boots that consist of multiple chambers or zones. These chambers are sequentially inflated and deflated in a wave-like pattern, creating a pulsating compression effect that mimics the body's natural pumping action. The compression starts from your feet or lower extremities and gradually moves upward, promoting circulation and reducing fluid buildup.

    Increased Circulation and Blood Flow: The sequential compression provided by the NormaTec system stimulates blood flow and lymphatic drainage, helping to remove metabolic waste products and toxins from your muscles. This enhanced circulation delivers fresh oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, promoting faster recovery and reducing inflammation.

    Muscle Recovery and Relaxation: NormaTec sessions are particularly effective for muscle recovery after intense physical activity. The rhythmic compression and decompression provided by the system help to flush out lactic acid and other metabolic byproducts that contribute to muscle soreness and fatigue. This can lead to reduced muscle stiffness, faster recovery times, and an overall feeling of relaxation and rejuvenation.

    Customizable and Targeted Treatment: The NormaTec system allows for customizable treatment options, enabling us to focus on specific areas of your body or address broader recovery needs. Whether you want to target your legs, arms, hips, or other areas, we can adjust the intensity, duration, and focus of the compression to meet your requirements.

    Relaxing and Comfortable Experience: NormaTec sessions are designed to be comfortable and relaxing. The compression boots conform to your body and provide a snug fit, ensuring optimal effectiveness and comfort. Many clients find the gentle compression and release to be soothing and enjoyable, providing a tranquil experience during the session.

    Post-Session Benefits: Following a NormaTec session, you may experience immediate benefits such as reduced muscle soreness, improved flexibility, and increased range of motion. Additionally, regular NormaTec sessions can contribute to long-term benefits such as enhanced athletic performance, injury prevention, and improved overall recovery.

    At FlexAbility, we are dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive recovery experience. Our NormaTec sessions are ideal for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and individuals seeking a non-invasive and effective method to enhance their recovery and overall well-being.

    Schedule a NormaTec session with us today and unlock the revitalizing benefits of dynamic compression therapy. Our trained staff will guide you through the process, ensuring your comfort and assisting you in achieving optimal results. Experience the power of NormaTec and take a vital step towards accelerated recovery and rejuvenation.

  • Restoring Mobility and Relieving Tension

    Cupping and Graston are specialized techniques used at FlexAbility to effectively treat soft tissue dysfunctions, alleviate muscle tension, and enhance overall mobility. This innovative approach utilizes specially designed tools to detect and treat areas of scar tissue, fascial restrictions, and adhesions within the muscles and connective tissues.

    Here's how we describe Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization:

    Detecting Soft Tissue Dysfunction: Our skilled therapists use precision-crafted instruments to carefully examine and detect areas of soft tissue dysfunction. These instruments are designed to provide feedback and enable us to identify areas of scar tissue, fascial restrictions, and other abnormal soft tissue formations that may be causing pain, limited mobility, or impaired function.

    Targeted Treatment: Once areas of soft tissue dysfunction are identified, the therapist applies controlled and specific strokes with the instrument over these regions. The unique design of the instruments allows for precise pressure and manipulation, promoting the breakdown of scar tissue and fascial adhesions, restoring tissue mobility, and improving overall tissue health.

    Enhanced Healing Response: Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization triggers a healing response in the body. The controlled application of the instruments stimulates blood flow, encourages the production of collagen, and promotes the remodeling of damaged tissue. This process aids in tissue repair, reduces inflammation, and helps restore optimal function.

    Pain Relief and Improved Range of Motion: IASTM can provide significant pain relief by reducing muscle tension, releasing trigger points, and improving joint mobility. By addressing the underlying soft tissue dysfunction, this technique helps alleviate discomfort, enhance flexibility, and restore a full range of motion.

    Customized Treatment: Every individual is unique, and our therapists tailor the IASTM treatment to your specific needs. They will assess your condition, identify the areas of concern, and create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific goals and requirements. The intensity and duration of the treatment will be adjusted to ensure optimal comfort and effectiveness.

    Non-Invasive and Comfortable: IASTM is a non-invasive and well-tolerated technique. The instruments used are designed to be comfortable for both the therapist and the client, ensuring a safe and pleasant experience during the session. The treatment can be performed on various areas of the body, including the back, neck, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles.

    Comprehensive Approach to Recovery: IASTM is often used in conjunction with other therapies or modalities to create a comprehensive approach to recovery. It can complement other techniques such as stretching, exercise, and manual therapy, maximizing the benefits and promoting faster healing and rehabilitation.

    At FlexAbility, we are committed to providing effective soft tissue treatment options, and IASTM is one of our specialized services. Our experienced therapists utilize this technique to restore mobility, relieve tension, and facilitate healing. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the transformative benefits of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization.

  • Targeted Muscle Relief and Enhanced Healing

    Dry needling is a specialized technique offered at FlexAbility that involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into specific trigger points or tight bands of muscle to alleviate pain, improve muscle function, and promote the body's natural healing response. This highly effective treatment targets muscular tension, releases knots, and enhances overall muscle and tissue health.

    Here's how we describe dry needling:

    Precise Targeting of Trigger Points: Dry needling focuses on identifying and targeting trigger points, which are hyperirritable spots within muscle fibers that can cause pain, stiffness, and restricted movement. Our skilled therapists use their expertise and knowledge of anatomical structures to identify these trigger points and insert thin, solid needles directly into them.

    Pain Relief and Muscle Relaxation: The insertion of the needles into trigger points helps to stimulate the release of tension in the muscles. This release can result in immediate pain relief, decreased muscle tightness, and improved range of motion. By addressing the root cause of the discomfort, dry needling aims to restore optimal muscle function and alleviate pain.

    Improved Blood Flow and Tissue Healing: Dry needling also promotes improved blood circulation to the treated area. The insertion of the needles stimulates the body's natural healing response, increasing blood flow, and bringing essential nutrients and oxygen to the tissues. This enhanced circulation facilitates tissue repair, reduces inflammation, and accelerates the healing process.

    Individualized Treatment Approach: Each dry needling session is tailored to the individual's specific needs and condition. Our therapists will conduct a thorough assessment to identify the trigger points and determine the appropriate needle insertion points. The depth, duration, and intensity of needle insertion are adjusted based on the client's comfort level and the desired therapeutic outcome.

    Minimal Discomfort and Side Effects: While the idea of needles may initially cause concern, dry needling is generally well-tolerated by clients. The needles used are very thin, solid, and typically produce minimal discomfort during insertion. Some clients may experience a mild sensation or muscle twitch response, indicating that the trigger point has been stimulated. After the session, minor post-treatment soreness or bruising may occur, but these effects are temporary and typically resolve quickly.

    Complementary Therapy: Dry needling is often used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan alongside other therapies such as physical therapy, exercise, or manual therapy. It can synergize with these approaches, enhancing their effectiveness and promoting a more comprehensive recovery and rehabilitation process.

    Educated and Experienced Therapists: Our therapists are highly trained and skilled in the practice of dry needling. They possess in-depth knowledge of musculoskeletal anatomy and have undergone extensive training in safe and effective needling techniques. With their expertise, they ensure that each dry needling session is conducted with precision, care, and attention to the individual's comfort and well-being.

    Dry needling at FlexAbility offers a powerful approach to relieving muscle tension, reducing pain, and promoting tissue healing. Our dedicated therapists are committed to helping you achieve optimal results through this specialized technique. Schedule an appointment today and experience the benefits of dry needling for yourself.

  • Support, Stability, and Injury Prevention

    Athletic taping is a technique used by sports medicine professionals at FlexAbility to provide support, stability, and protection to joints, muscles, and ligaments during physical activity. This specialized taping method involves the application of adhesive tape in a specific pattern to assist athletes in preventing injuries, managing existing conditions, and optimizing performance.

    We utilize Kinesio tape, McConnell taping, Leukotape.

    Support and Stability: The primary goal of athletic taping is to provide support and stability to joints and muscles, particularly in areas prone to injury or instability. By applying tape in a specific manner, our sports medicine professionals create a secure and firm support system that helps reduce excessive joint movement, supports weak or injured muscles, and provides stability during athletic activities.

    Injury Prevention: Athletic taping plays a crucial role in injury prevention. The tape acts as a protective barrier, helping to prevent sprains, strains, and other common sports-related injuries. It provides reinforcement to ligaments and tendons, reducing the risk of excessive stretching or tearing. By supporting vulnerable areas, athletic taping helps athletes maintain proper alignment and form, minimizing the chances of injury during training, competition, or physical activity.

    Customized Application: Each individual's needs and requirements may vary, and athletic taping is tailored to address specific concerns. Our sports medicine professionals will assess your condition, identify areas of weakness or instability, and apply the tape accordingly. They have a deep understanding of anatomical structures and sports-specific movements, allowing them to apply the tape in a manner that maximizes its benefits for your unique situation.

    Enhanced Proprioception: Proprioception refers to the body's awareness of its position and movements. Athletic taping can enhance proprioception by providing tactile feedback and sensory input to the muscles and joints. This improved awareness allows athletes to have better control, coordination, and balance during their activities, reducing the risk of falls, missteps, or other accidents.

    Breathable and Flexible Materials: The tape used in athletic taping is typically made of breathable and flexible materials that allow for comfortable movement. These tapes are designed to adhere well to the skin, even during intense physical activity, without causing discomfort or restriction. They are engineered to provide optimal support and stability while allowing for proper range of motion.

    Injury Management and Rehabilitation: Athletic taping is not only used for injury prevention but also as a part of injury management and rehabilitation. It can be applied to support injured areas, alleviate pain, and aid in the recovery process. By providing external support, the tape can help athletes return to their activities sooner and continue their rehabilitation with reduced risk of re-injury.

    Professional Guidance: The application of athletic tape requires knowledge and expertise. Our sports medicine professionals are trained in proper taping techniques and have experience working with athletes of all levels. They will guide you through the taping process, ensuring the tape is applied correctly and securely. They can also provide instructions on tape removal and reapplication if necessary.

    Athletic taping at FlexAbility offers athletes an effective and versatile tool to enhance performance, prevent injuries, and support rehabilitation. Our sports medicine professionals are dedicated to providing you with personalized taping techniques that address your specific needs and goals. Schedule a session with us today and experience the benefits of athletic taping in your athletic pursuits.

  • Unlocking Your Full Athletic Potential

    Sports performance refers to the optimization of an athlete's physical, mental, and technical abilities to achieve peak athletic performance. At FlexAbility, we offer comprehensive sports performance training programs designed to enhance strength, speed, agility, endurance, coordination, and overall athletic skills. Our programs are tailored to individual athletes and provide the tools and guidance needed to excel in their respective sports.

    Individualized Training Programs: We recognize that every athlete is unique, with specific strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Our sports performance programs are customized to meet the individual needs of each athlete. Through an initial assessment, we identify areas for improvement and develop a personalized training plan that targets specific physical attributes, technical skills, and mental aspects relevant to their sport.

    Physical Conditioning: Sports performance training focuses on improving an athlete's physical attributes, such as strength, power, speed, agility, and endurance. Our training programs incorporate a variety of exercises, drills, and techniques that are specific to the demands of the athlete's sport. These programs aim to enhance overall athleticism, optimize movement patterns, and develop the physical qualities required for peak performance.

    Skill Development: In addition to physical conditioning, sports performance training emphasizes skill development and technical proficiency. We provide specialized coaching and practice sessions that focus on mastering sport-specific techniques, improving coordination, refining movement patterns, and enhancing decision-making abilities. Our goal is to help athletes perform their sport's fundamental skills with precision and efficiency.

    Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation: Sports performance training also prioritizes injury prevention and rehabilitation. We integrate exercises and protocols that aim to minimize the risk of injuries, strengthen vulnerable areas, and promote proper movement mechanics. In the event of an injury, our programs can also include rehabilitation exercises and strategies to expedite recovery and safely reintegrate athletes back into their sports.

    Performance Monitoring and Analysis: To track progress and optimize training effectiveness, we utilize performance monitoring tools and techniques. These may include performance assessments, data tracking, video analysis, and feedback sessions. By regularly evaluating performance metrics, we can identify areas of improvement, make necessary adjustments to the training program, and celebrate achievements along the way.

    Supportive Environment: At FlexAbility, we strive to create a supportive and motivating training environment. Our experienced physical therapists are committed to the success of each athlete and provide guidance, encouragement, and feedback throughout the training process. We foster a positive and collaborative atmosphere that inspires athletes to push their boundaries, set ambitious goals, and work towards achieving their full potential.

    Sports performance training at FlexAbility is designed to empower athletes to excel in their chosen sports. Whether you are a competitive athlete looking to reach the next level or a recreational athlete seeking to enhance your overall performance, our comprehensive training programs can help you unlock your full athletic potential. Join us and embark on a journey of growth, achievement, and success in your sport.

  • Building strength so you can perform the activities you love better

    At FlexAbiltiy we offer strength and conditioning programs for athletes as well as for the active individual who is not necessarily an athlete.

    Strength and conditioning training is a specialized approach to athletic development that focuses on improving an individual’s physical abilities, enhancing performance, and reducing the risk of injuries. At FlexAbility our strength and conditioning programs are designed to maximize an individual’s strength, power, speed, agility, endurance, and overall athletic performance.

    Comprehensive Athletic Development: Our strength and conditioning programs take a holistic approach to athletic development. We address multiple physical attributes and components of fitness, including strength, power, speed, agility, endurance, flexibility, and mobility. By targeting these areas, we aim to improve overall athletic performance and create well-rounded athletes.

    Customized Training Programs: We understand that every athlete has unique needs and goals. Our strength and conditioning programs are tailored to meet the specific requirements of each individual. Through an initial assessment, we identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Based on this assessment, we create a personalized training plan that targets the athlete's specific needs and goals.

    Strength Training: Strength is a foundational element in athletic performance. Our programs incorporate progressive strength training exercises that focus on developing muscular strength, power, and stability. We utilize a variety of resistance training techniques, including free weights, machines, bodyweight exercises, and functional movements, to build a solid foundation of strength.

    Power and Speed Development: Power and speed are essential for explosive athletic performance. Our training programs include exercises and drills designed to enhance power output, speed of movement, and quickness. We incorporate plyometric exercises, speed drills, Olympic lifts, and other explosive movements to improve an athlete's ability to generate force and move with speed and agility.

    Endurance and Conditioning: Endurance and conditioning are crucial for sustaining performance during longer durations of activity. Our programs include cardiovascular training, interval training, and other conditioning exercises to improve aerobic and anaerobic capacity. By enhancing endurance and conditioning, athletes can perform at a high level for extended periods and recover more quickly between bouts of intense activity.

    Injury Prevention: Our strength and conditioning programs place a strong emphasis on injury prevention. We integrate exercises and techniques that target muscular imbalances, strengthen stabilizing muscles, improve joint stability, and enhance mobility and flexibility. By addressing these factors, we help athletes reduce the risk of injuries and promote longevity in their sports careers.

    Periodization and Progression: To optimize training effectiveness and ensure continuous improvement, we utilize periodization and progression principles in our strength and conditioning programs. We structure training cycles, systematically vary training intensity and volume, and progressively challenge athletes to push their limits. This approach helps athletes reach new levels of performance while minimizing the risk of overtraining or plateauing.

    Expert Coaching and Support: Our strength and conditioning programs are led by experienced coaches who are knowledgeable in exercise science, biomechanics, and sports-specific training principles. They provide expert guidance, coaching, and support throughout the training process, ensuring proper form, technique, and safety. Our coaches also monitor progress, make adjustments to the training plan as needed, and provide motivation and accountability to help athletes achieve their goals.

    Strength and conditioning training at FlexAbility is designed to transform athletes into powerful, well-rounded performers. Whether you're a professional athlete, a competitive sports enthusiast, or a recreational athlete looking to enhance your performance, our comprehensive programs will help you develop the physical attributes and skills necessary for optimal athletic success. Join us and unlock your full athletic potential today.

  • FlexAbility offers group training for the services of Sports Performance as well as Strength & Conditioning.

    This can include a group of friends, a sports team or a club. Give us a call to find out more.

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